Lookin' for somethin' I said?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pt. II; the pieces left out

I decided to post part of the Emergency Preparedness rant that I left out earlier. It was just bugging me too much not to post it. :-)

I am now invoking my right to digress in my own rant. Listen to me very carefully, my Liberal friends. There is something that you need to know now. When the day comes whose door do you think you will be knocking on for help? Who do you think is going to be stock piled with food and clothing? Who do you think will know how to start a fire or build a shelter? That's right. The Conservatives. The Republicans. The Libertarians. The Tea - Partiers. Those of us that understand that in order for to survive we can't leave anything to chance.
Think about this for a little bit. Just a little bit. How many of YOUR like minded friends, both political and social, are truly prepared for an emergency? How many of them could you count on to know what to do if something were to happen? I can tell you that ALL of my like minded friends have some kind of plan in place when the chips fall. Some of us actually have group plans. Do you have one of a 6 set 2 way battery operated radios with one of your friends to contact? Do your children know how to reach all of their emergency contacts?

When the crisis occurs I won't be home. My Conservative friends and I will be at least two days ahead of you. The way I see it, half of you arrogant shits will be dead. Murdered by the looters you fought so hard to coddle before the event. They knew no other way but to take what you had to feed their own needs. That included your lives. The other half? Well once you come together there will only be about an eighth of you worth a damn to anyone else. And that's being generous. I figure you will either argue each other into starvation or if there are a few amongst you that know how to survive in an emergency your generous contemporaries will force you to slave away and work to exhaustion to care for them because after all, they were too weak willed and weak minded to learn and prepare themselves. You owe it to them. You can't just let them starve!

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