Lookin' for somethin' I said?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

To all the Real Men out there...

Dear Men,

Please let me start by saying that I miss you. I miss the strength. I miss the security. I even miss the way you pretend that you are an expert on everything. What happened to you? Was it the feminist movement? Did those women steal your esteem for themselves? I don’t like them. I never have liked them. I know who you really are. I appreciate what you bring to the table and I applaud your virtues. Please understand that I am not alone. Real women want to feel safe in your arms. Real women need you. Real women are proud of your achievements and stand tall on your arm. We never belittle you in public or in private. We listen to you. We may disagree with you but we respect your opinions and we hold your values.

For thousands of years you have been our caretakers. You have protected us and given us the most special gift of all - The seed to grow our families. We owe our lives and our freedoms to you. You have gone to war and given your lives to protect us from our enemies. You have carried our hearts in your hands, comforted our tears and quieted our fears.

There are fewer and fewer real men out there. I see men nowadays so conflicted as to who they should be. They are raised in this society where women have lost their place and attempt to supersede men as the dominant sex. I am regularly appalled by the behavior of my sex and disgusted with your treatment by other women of my generation. The crimes against your manhood are too many and too severe.

I for one will not sit by any longer and allow for the decimation of moral character and natural ability. I refuse to allow you, Real Men, to be victims of one movement’s hate. That’s what this is. It’s a hate crime. I see it all so clearly right now. Feminism is a hate crime against men.

I know that there are still real men out there. I know that there are good and decent men that have been made to be the victim of emotional and sometimes physical abuse at the hands of the women in their lives. Why is that? Why is it that so many of you suffer so? I have a theory for you. I believe that you are the victim of fatherless women. So many women in my generation haven’t had a good strong man in our lives to show us what to expect. We don’t know what to do or how to handle being treated well. We have been taught by society that if you open a door for us it means that you believe us to be too weak to pull it open ourselves. We are taught to be suspicious of your kindness. We haven’t had fathers that give us respect to show us what respect really is. The previous generation has misled us.

Don’t give up on us women yet. There are others like me that see you for what you really are. There are those of us that need you. We not only need you but we want you. We want you to be men and we want you to hold your head high and walk with your back straight. We want to raise your children to respect you. We want our friends and families to admire you and appreciate the happiness that you give us. We want you to be the foundations that we know you can be. We want our men back.

Thank you for listening to me. I appreciate your time and the care you take with me. I promise that I will never let you down.